MSSP Waivers

MSSP Waivers

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have made available waiver of federal fraud and abuse laws in connection with the operation of accountable care organizations (ACOs) that participate under the Medicare Shared Shavings Program (MSSP).

Arvon CIN participates in the MSSP and, as part of such participation, takes advantage of the waivers afforded to it by CMS and the OIG. Arvon CIN's governing body has duly authorized the arrangements below and made a bona fide determination that each arrangement is reasonable related to the purposes of the MSSP because the arrangements will (a) promote accountability for the quality, cost, and overall care for Medicare beneficiaries assigned to Arvon CIN; (b) manage and coordinate care from patients served by Arvon CIN; and/or (c) encourage investment in infrastructure and care processes to improve high quality and efficient delivery of care. The descriptions of relevant arrangements are set forth below for the purpose of Arvon CIN availing itself of the protections afforded under the MSSP waivers:

1. Shared savings distributions with participating physicians each year starting in 2013.

2. Entering into an arrangement with Corewell Health (f/k/a Beaumont Health) pursuant to which Corewell Health providers certain administrative support services, including, without limitation, leased personnel, information technology services and equipment, compliance services, accounting services, and leased space, to enable Arvon CIN to operate efficiently, at lower cost, and to improve clinical results for CIN patients (February 28, 2022, to present)

3. Entering into an arrangement with BACO Care Services, LLC, pursuant to which Arvon CIN provides certain administrative support services, including, without limitation, leased personnel, to enable BACO Care Services, LLC and Arvon CIN to operate efficiently, at lower cost, and to improve clinical results for Arvon CIN patients (April 23, 2023, to present)

4. Providing an education session for Arvon CIN'S providers, suppliers, and participants regarding Disease Burden Capture and EMR Usage for Quality Requirements, including certain financial incentives to encourage attendance at the education session (May 30, 2024)

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